[review-ing] Jerawat?!

semua orang mesti ada masalah jerawat.
kan? kan? kan?
nenek aku kata, orang banyak jerawat ni kuat berangan.
kalau muka jenis tak ada jerawat pun, sekali dua mesti ada juga.
yang buat tambah tension tu, boleh pulak dia tumbuh masa event-event penting kan?
esok graduation day ni. masa tu jugalah jerawat nak tumbuh sebesar alam kan.
esok ada birthday party skandal aku. jerawat penuh kat muka.
o dem. (>.<) 
tekanan. tekanan. tekanan.
selain jaga muka guna facial wash, toner, moisturiser, scrub, bermask bagai;
ubat jerawat pun boleh tolong kita heal kan jerawat tu dengan cepat.
ni aku nak kongsi ubat jerawat yang aku selalu guna.
*banyak buih. introduction panjang*
[1st product]
Clean & Clear Active Clear
Speed Clearing Gel
what it claim?
Clean & Clear Active Clear Speed Cleansing Gel help reduce appearance of acne fast. The fast acting micro-gel formula clears pimple from 4 hours. The breakthrough Salicyclic Acid and active botanical formula used morning and night works fast to reduce the appearance of acne.
clear gel like appearance
fully absorbed when apply
yup. eventhough it takes time, but it works for me.
*it takes 2 days..not 4 hour la*
a bit expensive RM10++ for 10ml
next time boleh beli lagi!
[2nd product]
*hah. sori dah guna*
Nexcare Acne Patch by 3M
what it claim?
Waterproof & Breathable
Prevents Infection
Absorbs Acne Secretion
Soothes Burning & Aching 
convenient and easy to apply. 
*cuma peel off, and tampal kat jerawat*
it works!
helped drain and heal it well overnight
as it come with various size, memang senang dan jimat la kan.
*price ranges between RM5-RM13*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 
yang aku beli ni 18pcs/pack. harga RM7++ kat Guardian/Watson.
[0.8cm x 12pcs and 1.2cm x 6pcs]
ada juga yang 7pcs and 36pcs. memang best. sebelum tidur tampal and esok pagi mesti dah OK.
[3rd product]
*packaging luar nya kotak. dalam tin. kaler hijau*
korang boleh tanya dekat Guardian/Watson.
appearance: thick oinment [salap]
what it claim?
used externally for pimples, blackheads, itching, rashes, ringworm of the skin and rash.
*mesti korang kata, jerawat boleh ka ni? skeptical.*

Nixoderm contain:

Benzoic acid (6%) 
Salicylic acid (2.5%)

Precipitated sulfur (4.6%)These active ingredients stimulate skin cell renewal and enhance exfoliation. Sulfur dries the skin and may aid in getting rid of the bacteria that cause acne.
senang apply.
berkesan hilangkan jerawat yang tengah galak and jerawat kecil.
giler murah!
RM4.00++ for 5.34g
kecil dan comel.
*sticky white paste*
kurang meresap.
tengok ni:
baunya macam kurang best.
kurang hygienic.
bagi aku, ni la ubat jerawat paling best di alam semesta walaupun berbau etc.
aku selalu apply sebelum tidur, esok pagi hilang la jerawat.
hope dapat bantu korang semua k?
sebarang kritikan, cadangan boleh komen kat entri ni.


  1. sokong!!! jerawat selalunya timbul time kita nak g event ape2..dl pnh lec i ckp jerawat akan ada bila hormon naik..ahakz!

  2. x penah pkai nexcare lg... yg lg 2 da pkai... nixoderm?? memg best!!~

  3. Macam mana eh nak guna active clear speed clearing gel tuh?

    1. Bersihkan muka, and sapu dekat tmpt jerawat pelan2 sampai meresap (^______^)

  4. Which one yg lebih pantas memberikan kesan ye?


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