Long time no see.

Kebelakangan ni kurang rajin nak update blog sebab tak ada gambar nak letak. Normally Lin tulis entri based on picture yang Lin ambil, barulah ada idea nak tulis apa. Tapi sedih betul sekarang ni tak dapat ambil gambar banyak-banyak sebab handphone Lin dah rosak. Belum ada budget nak repair. Last time dah kena RM150, serik~ Susah pakai handphone "canggih" ni. [Nokia C6] sikit-sikit nak rosak, tiba-tiba je pula tu tak tahu apa sebab. 
     I'm not a fan of this kind of fancy-mancy gadget [tapi kalau nak free, of course la Lin nak. ~duh] Last 2 years Lin beli Nokia C6 ni sebab masa tu Maxis ada buat offer, and that time I really need handphone and camera. So I buy it. I guess it's a good buy but sekarang handphone tu dah sampai "tahap limit" nya. Kena redha~ (>______<)"
I went to Courts, Sengheng, JJ etc; saja-saja manalah tahu ada handphone murah kan. Then suddenly Lin terfikir, why not if Lin beli handphone paling murah then beli digital camera yang paling murah. kan? 

Ada cadangan tak?


  1. muja pun cam tu,, hp tk de kamera pun,,, then ada kamera lain,, hehe,, lagi best snap pic gune kamera compared tu gune hp,, function dye lagi power,, opinion only :D


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