Long entry.

Oh yeah, this will be long~ entry bergambar. Terpaksa buat page break. Kalau internet awak-awak lambat, feel free to wait for next next entry. Malam ni buat blogging marathon. 
[Pic tag: Caramel breakfast, Oral B exchange, KFC, Jaya Jusco Kinta city, free food, banana, Chatime, Garnier, Pesta tanglung and ubat batuk]
Sedap! Tapi ada crystallised sugar yang tak hancur, still best caramel ever! 
I am SUPER EXCITED nak pergi beli berus gigi Oral B RM1. Tapi dah habis, cukup kuota 50 orang hari ni. Harap-harap esok ada lah rezeki kot. (T_______T). Hampa, ok!
Jaya Jusco Kinta City
at KFC.
I love Saturday. Why? Tengok kat JJ ni, kiri kanan free food and drink~ ngeh.
Chatime! Chocolate Mousse with free Milk Tea!
Lantern contest at Ipoh Parade.
Paling cantik, I guess. Sebab I love owl.
Tekak perit. Batuk-batuk. Harap boleh baik sebelum Isnin, if not, esok malam kena beli mask untuk tutup mulut.
Ubat batuk Breacol


  1. Ooo.. dapnya roti kaya tu haa... Lama wa x mkn.. Asyik pg2 mkn roti canai ja.. ^_^

  2. lama tak jenguk lin.. sama la... saya makan activefast sebab selesema. MUngkin kena pakai mask jugak. hehe.


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