Pink Guava Ice-Pop!

     Feel so jelly with Tammy and her Zespri Kiwi Ice-pop, I decided to make one. So yesterday I went to Daiso and buy ice-pop mould for RM5.
Forgot to buy fruits and dalam fridge cuma ada chery tomato (+_______+)" so I use fruit juice instead. Just can't wait until morning~!
#momment of truth
*this morning*
[with star wars soundtrack in the background]
The ultimate bomb-diggity guava ice-pop!

Pagi-pagi makan eskrim pop.


  1. nampak sedap! nak pegi daiso la nanti. hehehe

  2. sedapny!nk bli jgkla kt Daiso..

  3. daiso ke?,,kena cari mcm ne.hehehe

    eca BW sambil ajak join GA & Contest...

  4. Rajin buat ice pop sendiri.. Hehe.. Nanti kena cari gak lah ice pop mould nih.. =)

    1. Alah, bubuh air pastu masuk dlm esbok je. bkn susah pun. huhuhu~


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