Current Job and Me

New place. Work from 8.30 to 6. Kerja alternate Saturday, kalau kerja pun from 8.30 to 12.30. Ahad of course cuti. Salary? OK. Well obviously, they do offer more compare to my previous company [me as microbiologist, remember?]. Perjalanan dari rumah ke workplace dalam 15 to 20 minutes [Kalau Lin yang drive la, kalau my husband only took 10 minutes], which is still OK sebab jalan literally tak ada traffic light and tak jam lansung.

My dad ask, seriously you got a new job dengan perut besar? I said yes. I guess that this company really in need, if you know what I mean. But too bad, due to my special condition, nanti kita tak dapat privilege maternity pay. So nanti cuti 2 bulan this January and February tak ada gajilah. *nanges*

O yeah, currently Lin 24 weeks pregnant and bout the baby’s gender kitorang tak rahsiakan pun. It’s a boy! Again!

Kerja duduk memanjang depan computer really kills my back. Normally sakit belakang ni Lin rasa masa 32 weeks and above. Gigih betul bekerja dengan perut besar gila ni. But better than duduk terperuk dekat rumah 24/7. I must admit that, it kinda stressful a bit. Being a work at home mom, memang tak ramai yang boleh buat. Orang boleh lah cakap, untunglah kerja dari rumah. I was like dalam hati, ko try la dengan 2 baby and 1 dalam perut and you still have to find money to support everyone. Hah macam mana, boleh buat? But I’ve been through that. Rezeki anak-anak tu sentiasa ada. Ada baik buruk, lebih kurang.

People ask, ambil Farmasi tapi kenapa menyimpang bidang? Well, nak explain panjang pun malas dah. Cuma my priority will be my kids, pharmacy/lab job yang ada sekarang dekat area JB ni mostly need me to work shift or locum or etc tak tentu masa. Cuti pun seminggu sekali je. Lain lah kalau kerja kerajaan. 8 to 5 then cuti Sabtu Ahad, mostly. I don’t mind bout the salary, as long ada duit untuk anak-anak, daily and monthly expenses, tak bergantung dengan orang  and dapat saving sikit, it’s more than enough. Alhamdulillah.

Doakan kami 1 keluarga! ;)

P/S: Kita suka company baru kita ni, ada pantry, banyak makanan and air free. Kihkihkih.


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