REVIEW: 11th Ramadan Buffet 2017 at Makan Kitchen, Double Tree by Hilton Johor Bahru

Salam. Seronoknya tak lama lagi dah nak puasa! So, mak cuma nak beritahu, last two weeks mak dapat invitation untuk merasai sendiri Ramadan Buffer @ Makan Kitchen dekat Double Tree by Hilton Johor Bahru ;) Best tau.

Untuk maklumat Promosi Ramadan 2017 di Makan Kitchen, Double Tree by Hilton Johor Bahru awak boleh baca entry mak sebelum ni: Festive Flavors and Feast@11th Ramadan Buffet 2017 at Makan Kitchen, Double Tree by Hilton JB

Highlights include: Seafood on Ice, Gado-Gado, Live Lah Mien Stall, Braised Short Rib, Live Assam Pedas Stall, Live Soup Stall, Nasi "Kawah" and more.
5th – 20th  June 2017 | 6.30p m – 10.00 pm
50% off for kids 5-12,FOC for child below 5
Early bird promotion (before May 15) : Buy 8 Free 2
Ada bermacam-macam menu yang disajikan. You name it; Malay, Chinese, Indian, Western and even Middle East dish. Rasa macam dah raya pula. My plate that day:
and my favourite all-time dish : ASSAM PEDAS of course! Maklumlah mak bukan keturunan King Coco mix bagai, mak ni tekak melayu-jawa-minang ;)
Selain itu, second thing to look forward: Chinese Food! Favourite mak juga. Dulu mak stay dekat Ipoh, hari-hari breakfast chee cheong fun sama dim sum, lunch wantan mee. Kejap kesat mulut, meleleh air liur ni teringat balik. Nak dapat semua ni dekat JB macam susah sikit, tak banyak yang halal. So, of course mak tak lepaskan peluang merasai semua sendiri and melihat chef buat mee from stratch. Power power.
Last but not least, mak suka mengesyorkan anda semua mencuba dan merasai sendiri kelazatan semua hidangan yang disediakan oleh-oleh chef terkemuka bertaraf 5 bintang ni (Chef Khairuddin Aman Shah - Sous Chef, Chef Ong Eng Kok - Executive Sous Chef, Chef Rajendra Negi - Indian Chef, Chef Mohd Mahathir Mohd Mokhtar - Chef De Parte)

About the price, it's quite expensive. Memang lah mahal, 5 stars hotel kot. Ya mak jujur, not very affordable bagi mak. But for me, it's OK sekali sekala splurge a bit sebab all the dishes memang sedap dan berbaloi. Worth it. Ya ada kambing golek. Sila pakai seluar yang longgar dan bawa perut kosong. HAHAHA. Dessert jangan cakaplah. The best!

That's all. Nah ni layan #selfie mak-mak orang ;) Till then, Salam.


  1. sesekali mak belanja akak makan kat sini pun best jugak kan..bhahaha

  2. nampak sedpa menu makanan kat sini. menarik...kalau ke double tree by hilton boleh singgah untuk cuba

  3. hi, saya datang follow sini.. salam kenal :)

  4. macam kena cuba je ramadhan nanti, makkkk belanajaaa ehehehe

    Uyul Rosli | Blonolog Blogger Picisan


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