TrueYou DNA Prime Test: The Result

Previously Mak ada share tentang this DNA-test thingy kan? So let's go through the result shall we? Basically it took 4 to 6 weeks for you to get the result. Like I said in previous entry, Mak daftar and send the kit on 5th October and receive my result - through an email (PDF file) on 10th November. Jadinya, berikut Mak kongsikan laporan keputusan TrueYou DNA Prime Test Mak ;)


Laporan Keputusan TrueYou DNA Prime Test boleh dicapai dan dimuat turun dari laman sesawang TrueYou dalam bentuk PDF atau you can easily access it from TrueYou phone app. Mak punya detailed report ada 137 muka surat, so the best part is they do have a summary that highlight certain aspect that are not mencapai piawaian sihat la. Jadinya this is a good place to start looking to find out quick fixes in order to improve kesihatan dan kecergasan kita.

Kita ambil contoh BCAA's Benefit aspect. In this detailed report, dia ada explaination BCAAs tu apa and what is the function of BCAA for our body in a simplest layman term yang kita senang faham. Then kalau scroll ke bawah sikit, dia ada stated results, saranan pemakanan dan juga sumber rujukan lain kalau kita nak baca lebih lagi tentang perkara tersebut as per below:
Genetic and Health Action Plan ni dikhaskan untuk kita based on lifestyle questionnaire yang kita jawab masa submit test kit dan digabungkan dengan keputusan ujian DNA kita. Ada 4 perkara: Kesihatan, Diet/Pemakanan, Fizikal dan Vitamin.
Bila dah tahu aspek yang mana kita kena concern lebih sikit. Jadi senanglah nak tahu tahap dan jaga kesihatan diri kita kan. Bak kata pepatah: Health is Wealth. So that's all. Kalau ada apa-apa nak tanya boleh komen dekat bawah ni. OK? Till then, have a pleasant weekend.


  1. Assalamualaikum, hai! Jemput join Giveaway Cuya ^^


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