A Decade of Blogging: Rekindling My Passion

It feels like just yesterday when I embarked on this incredible journey as a blog writer back in February 2011. At that time, I was a single, wide-eyed student, brimming with stories and a burning desire to express my thoughts. Writing had always been my outlet, my way of pouring my heart out and addressing the pressing issues that surrounded me. Little did I know that this hobby would soon evolve into a cherished part of my life's narrative.

Those early days were filled with enthusiasm and a sense of discovery. I found solace in sharing tales of my daily experiences and navigating the intricacies of student life. I started small, but the more I wrote, the more my words resonated with others who found comfort in my stories.

As time passed, I found myself drawn to the thriving blogging community. Contests and giveaways organized by fellow bloggers became an exciting way for me to engage with others who shared my passion. The thrill of participating in and winning these contests fueled my determination to dive deeper into the world of blogging. I ventured into uncharted territory, combining my love for storytelling with my fascination for makeup and food. Living in the captivating city of Ipoh, Perak, I embarked on a journey of food and makeup reviews, weaving together the diverse threads of lifestyle content.

The true turning point arrived when I caught the attention of renowned brands like Samsung, Safi, Mission Food, Hotels and Tourism, Reader Digest, InTrend, Cosmetic, and PR companies - you name it, and even the enchanting Legoland Malaysia. Collaborating with these industry giants was a dream come true and a testament to the hard work I had poured into my writing. The recognition was heartwarming, and it validated the path I had chosen.

Around 2016, I decided to take my journey even further by becoming a part of various blogger communities. The sense of camaraderie and shared passion was invigorating, and I cherished the connections I made with like-minded individuals. However, life has a way of introducing new chapters, and as the years rolled on, responsibilities grew. The demands of family, work, and raising children gradually pulled me away from the keyboard, and my once-beloved writing took a backseat.

But as fate would have it, a chance encounter with a fellow blogger recently rekindled the spark that had dimmed over the years. Our conversation awakened the dormant excitement within me, reminding me of the joy and fulfillment I once found in blogging. The decision was clear – I was meant to return to this creative haven.

And here I am, ready to embark on a new chapter of my blogging journey. The hiatus has been long, but the passion remains unwavering. As I dust off my keyboard and gather my thoughts, I invite you, dear reader, to join me on this revitalized adventure. Share your own stories of rediscovering lost passions, navigating life's twists and turns, and embracing the things that bring you joy. Let's connect, inspire, and uplift one another as we journey together through the written word.

Have you ever found yourself at a crossroads, longing to reignite a once-beloved passion? What experiences have shaped your journey, and what inspires you to keep moving forward? I'd love to hear your thoughts and stories. Share them in the comments below and let's embark on this exciting new chapter together.


  1. I just finish my degree and will be graduating soon.
    I just realized i didn't posted that much about my degree life.
    So i posted it yesterday. Spending degree in pandemic is a sad thing
    But Alhamdulillah it went well. I also wil start a new journey after this.
    Btw welcome back!

    1. Thank you for your kind comment! I appreciate your support. Graduating amidst the challenges of the pandemic was indeed a unique experience, but I'm grateful it went well. Your welcome back message warms my heart as I begin this new journey. Congratulations on your degree achievement, and here's to exciting new beginnings ahead!

  2. Keep blogging mak! Lamanya dah sedekad!

    What ever it is, keep going and do the best thing in our life ❤️


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