Austin Heights Water & Adventure Park, Johor Bahru

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No, not in Tambun or KL, Selangor or where do you think it is. Ya, dekat Johor ada water theme park. Kita malas nak beritahu sebenarnya dekat korang tempat-tempat best macam ni. Nanti berpusu-pusu nak datang, lepas tu nak datang lagi and lagi and lagi. Sebab tempat ni super fun and dekat sangat dengan rumah korang. Buat semak je. Kah kah kah.

Tapi korang BERTUAH sebab mak kaki gosip tak selfish. *gelak besar*

Selain bermandi manda, yang paling best ialah drift! And of course for those who like adventure, ada flying fox all, skating rink, trampoline park and semua-semua lah. Kalau nak datang, datang pagi-pagi and weekdays. Tak beratur panjang sangat and boleh try semua aktiviti ;)

Seronok? Excited? The best part is you can book your ticket online :) HERE.

For more Info:
Austin Heights Water & Adventure Park
No. 71, Jalan Austin Heights 8/1, Taman Mount Austin, 81100 Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia.
+6019 716 3183 +607 360 3000


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