Adam dah ready untuk solid food ke?

Adam dah 176 days hari ni!

I'm sleepy right now as malam tadi Adam asyik terbangun. Normally he will wake up every 2 hours, drink and tidur balik. Tapi malam tadi he wake up every 1 hour and tak nak tidur. Lapar ke beliau? Susu OK banyak. Try pump, pekat. Apa problemnya?

How can I tell if my baby is ready for solids?
  1. Can hold her head up. Your baby needs to be able to maintain a steady, upright position, to take her first foods.
  2. Sits well when supported. You may have to have your baby on your lap at first. A highchair can be pulled into action a bit later when she can sit up by herself.
  3. Makes chewing motions. Your baby should be able to move food to the back of her mouth and swallow. As your baby learns to swallow efficiently you may notice that she dribbles less. She may even have a tooth or two.
  4. Has gained a healthy weight. Most babies are ready to eat semi-solids when they've doubled their birth weight. This may happen before or around their sixth month.
  5. Is curious about what you're eating. Is she eyeing your meals and reaching out to try foods you're moving from your plate to your mouth?
Can hold his head up? YES! Sit well when supported? YES! Makes chewing motion? Everytime we eat! Has gained a healthy weight? With 2.05g at birth and now 7kg, ABSOLUTELY! Curiousity? More curious dari cat!

My orang sekeliling literally keep pushing me to give my Little Adam solid food. Somehow, it annoy me a little. At first, I was like:
"Oh, its okay. I'll wait untul Adam 6 months. I can bear with his screaming voice,"
Then, they said:
"Alah, mak kita dulu-dulu 2,3 bulan dah bagi makan. Sihat je, pandai je,"
I was like:
"Oh, patutlah orang dewasa dan budak-budak sekarang banyak yang develop allergy, obesity problem, hidden hunger bla bla bla,"   

Cakap dalam hati je, tak berani nak lepas nanti kena cop kurang ajar pulak. Tapi yang terzahir adalah auta semata-mata. I said:

"Oh, dah bagi makan dah tapi dia tak nak. Nenti next time bagi makan lagi slow-slow,"
Then all this suara-suara tak ada soalan berbangkit lagi kan? SORRY. Lin tahu y'all cadang itu ini sebab y'all care and sayang kami. But don't worry, direct latch memang tak nampak but I can pump up to 2 bottle every session. Every session maksudnya every 2 hours my b**bs dah full.

Masa Adam dalam perut dulu. Lin risau bout everything! Baca pengalaman sister-sister bersalin 1st child etc. and masa dekat hospital for checkup, I asked post-labour mom kenapa pakai susu botol ni? They said, susu tak keluar dik, susu tak ada. I was like, WHAT? and panic. Ini serius. What if that happen to me? But dengan kuasa tuhan, masa Baby Adam dalam perut 5 months, tak tahu macam mana susu keluar banyak melimpah and that time Lin niat nak exclusively BF Adam sampai 6 months and doa banyak-banyak supaya dapat continue sampai Adam 2 yo. Setakat ni Alhamdulillah. Rezeki Adam banyak.

Tapi tak apa. Lagi 8 days Adam genap 6 months. Kita tengok macam mana progression nya.


  1. sepatutnya kalau dah nak dekat 6 bulan tu, boleh la cuba bagi nestum. kalau takut nestum tu kasar, bleh cuba masak bubur nasi, pastu amik kanji @ air bubur tu je. tak payah buat banyak2. hehe sekadar nak bagi biasa dengan makanan yg solid tak brape nak solid sangat. heheh. selamat mencuba


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