Babbl-ing Thursday

Adam dah genap 5 months old hari ni, Alhamdulillah. Dah pandai golek-golek and insist his mom to stay up till 11pm to play with him, dah pandai tarik rambut orang, sleep a little longer waktu siang which is a good news to me as banyak kerja rumah boleh settle, gelak-gelak when he talk to his rakan sebaya sebelah rumah *rugrats* and 1001 milestone and achievement yang lain. Alhamdulillah, again.

So boleh dikatakan yang dah 5 months juga we move to this not-so-new house. I must admit that since Adam lahir, I don’t care much bout nak hias-hias rumah. My mom said kalau ada baby, tak payahlah nak sibuk-sibuk hias rumah bagai as rumah akan nampak semak especially when baby dah pandai menyepah barang. Well, she was right I guess.

I have this wishlist that consist 40” TV, TV cabinet, misc. shelve, stripe black and white carpet for my living/dining room. Yup, currently rumah ni memang tak ada TV. Nope, tak bosan pun as I’m not TV kind of person. Better download movie/TV series tengok dekat laptop, which is portable. Boleh tengok guna earphone sambil buai Baby Adam. STILL, me nak TV sebab my little brother cakap:

“Boringlah duduk rumah Kaklong, rumah Kaklong tak ada TV,”

Sadis. Ko tunggulah nanti aku beli TV besar dengan PS3. Hahaha.

Did I miss something? Oh, Lin cancel nak beli dining table set dekat IKEA. Fikir-fikir balik, better makan dekat lantai ala-ala Melayu satu family. Once a week boleh makan sedulang pupuk semangat kekeluargaan kan and kalau Adam dah dapat kaki, tak adalah risau sangat dia jatuh, terhantuk, terlanggar, terpecah apa segala bagai bila berlari dalam rumah.

Child-proof house, I guess.

Other than that, rasanya bedroom, kitchen and toilet tak perlu penambahbaikan kot as everything dah organize and in order. Kalau ada pun, there's nothing I can do with it. Cuma, I need to go through my clothes, tengok apa yang boleh dipakai and tidak. Then, reinvent my style, go shopping as Lin baru perasan yang semua t-shirt Lin warna hitam. Yup, bayangkan for the past 1 year Lin pakai black t-shirt and jeans everyday. I ask myself:

Eh? Bila last time beli baju ek?

Ini serius. No wonder lah my student keep asking why Teacher Suzlin pakai baju sama every week? Adoi. AND rasanya kena buat sesuatu jugalah dengan all my book collection dalam kotak. Nak buat mini library dekat 2nd room untuk our family :)

So, I have this vision that my living/dining room will be like this:

1 : My work space. Checked! Dah ada.
2 : Open books+misc. Shelve
3 : Obviously my carpet
4 : TV+TV counter and other Ent. Stuff
5 : Free spaces.

...and my other room will be like this:

1 : Vanity Area. Checked!
2 : Storage. Checked!
3 : Laundry/Iron board. Checked!
4 : Another work station. Checked!
5 : Rak buku. Akan beli.
6 : Free Space.
7 : Clothes Railing. Checked!

OK, so far so good. Simple and minimal, just what I like. Now tinggal cari masa dan wang ringgit, shopping and do everything. Till then, Salam.


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