Milo Malaysia Breakfast Day 2016 - Johor Bahru

milo event
We went to Milo Event, me and my brother, Pak Su. But kita tak lari as I have to attend another event that morning. Lepas tu cepat-cepat lari to Milo’s venue, sebab event Milo habis pukul 11. Ada macam-macam aktiviti, mini games etc. I didn’t take part juga. Teman kan Pak Su je. HAHAHA. Dengan high heel dengan baju kurung nak main macam mana.
The best part is dapat beg Milo full with goodies and free breakfast!
Kita suka. Kita suka. Next year buat lah lagi dekat Pasir Gudang. InsyaAllah kami satu family join :)
P/S: Dah lama tak makan Maggi, sekali try Maggi Laksa Sarawak. Hmm sedap. Laksa Johor tak sedap, I prefer the original one la. Nescafe Latté perisa Mocha dengan Coconut yang baru ni pun kami try. Abah AIF (stand for Adam, Iman and Fateh) suka Coconut, but I prefer Mocha more. Yang coconut rasa macam minum santan.

Till then! ;)


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