Gamila Secret Cleansing Bar.

Win this cleansing bar from Gamila Secret worth RM66. Lin ada baca good review tentang Gamila Secret Cleansing bar ni, and of course the downside; which is it may cause some blemishes after several days usage in order to detoxify your skin but it will gone and leave a superb fresh new skin after 28 days. Kena pakai continuously and tak boleh campur-campur dengan produk lain pula tu~  So sekarang ni persoalannya, should I take the challenge?
Kalau sesiapa yang nak Discount Voucher RM35 untuk produk Gamila ni, bagitahu Lin k? Sent to Yee Ling :)


  1. actually I am tempted to try also but as like you said..worry about the blemishes.LOL!

    I am keen at the voucher Suzlin.

  2. wa.. hehe. takot jugak nak istiqomah ni.. takot xdpt hasilnya. hehe~


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