Teacher Suzlin.

As currently, basically, I’m doing nothing, as my mom said. So, my mom asked me to teach my brothers English. I said why not walaupun English 1119 A1 tapi rasanya my English level still tunggang terbalik. HAHAHA. Tak apalah, I’ll try. Plus ni a win-win situation, Lin ajar diorang and at the same time Adam can play with his uncle in my house. So, tak lah sunyi sangat rumah ni.

But the problem is, diorang asyik nak main je. Tak takut pun dengan “Teacher” ni. For the first class, I ask them to list down 100 words which have more than 5 letters. Anything. To know their vocab level and of course, spelling. Adoi, ambil masa more than 2 hours for them to finish it. Eh tak, tak siap pun. Aliff tidur and Daniel main kejar-kejar with my husband. Adoi. Tak membantu. 

This upcoming Friday tak tahulah nak ajar apa. Adoi.


  1. Salam Maulidur Rasul...Abak nak ajak join segmen :


  2. Bagi buat latihan jer dikk.... Print out free dari internet, bagi diorang buat. Tak faham grammar, kita ajar. Lepas tu selang seli dengan short story...baca sama2.


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