First Impression: Tukar Skin Care Kepada Avon Anew Reversalist Complete Renewal Range

First Impression: Tukar Skin Care Kepada Avon Anew Reversalist Complete Renewal Range | Been using this for 2 weeks now. Kebetulan ada offer dekat Avon, all this I can get for RM90; includes Facial Foam, Serum, Krim Siang dan Malam. Sebenarnya dah lama nak try tapi mahal sikit especially serum dia. (Save more than RM150!) So when it on sale, Lin grab la.

As earlier Lin ada beritahu dekat FB that my previous skin care (yang Lin guna since Form 3!) dah tak boleh nak cater "keperluan" kulit muka yang makin "matang" jadi Lin try yang ni dulu. So far so good with no breakouts or any allergic reaction. Kulit dah tak kering, and kurang berminyak (Kulit Lin jenis combination) Yang paling noticeable kulit makin cerah kemerahan dan bangun pagi kulit tak berminyak (surprisingly, krim malam dia quite heavy tapi tak berminyak).

Part pori-pori dengan warna kulit sekata tu belum lagi. Still ada discoloration di mana-mana and pores macam itu juga 😂 Pray it works wonder lagi another 2 weeks then Lin decide whether it betul-betul berkesan or not.

Dan tak pastilah it helps with my wrinkle ke tak, sebab Lin CUMA ada wrinkle dekat area bawah mata *menangis dalam kepasrahan* Maybe I should try their eye cream. Kumpul duit dulu. Or maybe I should start double dose of collagen. Huhu.

So, what is your current skincare?


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