Back-to-School Shopping 2024!

As parents, we all know the feeling of that pre-back-to-school budget stretch, especially when it coincides with festive seasons like Hari Raya. This year, with four kids starting school on March 10th and Hari Raya following closely on April 12th, I'm feeling the pinch more than usual. But I'm also embracing a new chapter: my kids are transferring to a school closer to home, which promises a welcome change in our daily routine.

Planning ahead and saving consistently throughout the year is crucial for managing the financial demands of both back-to-school and festive preparations. As of now, I prioritized back-to-school essentials like stationery and shoes, purchasing only one set of school uniforms since most of their uniforms from the previous school are still in good condition. Hari Raya preparations, including new baju raya and casual wear, will come later.

Shopping for school supplies this year was incredibly convenient with everything located within reach. We only needed to visit a few stores – Pasaraya KU, Sakan, Bata for shoes, and AEON Tebrau for school uniforms. This made things much easier compared to the previous year, where I spent considerable time hopping between different stores to find the right sizes for my children. Sticking to a list and steering clear of impulse purchases played a crucial role in ensuring everyone got what they needed, especially when shopping for multiple children.

School Transfer and New Routine

This year, I've also made a change to our routine by transferring my children to a new school closer to home. Previously, their school was a 20-minute drive away, which meant early mornings and long commutes for both them and me. Picking them up from childcare after work also presented challenges due to rush hour traffic and additional fees if I was late.

The new school's proximity to home, just 5 minutes away, significantly simplifies our routine. It allows me to manage drop-offs and pick-ups more efficiently and eliminates the financial burden of late fees. While I have some concerns about the new school's environment and performance compared to their previous school, I plan to connect with teachers and parents to gather more information and address my concerns. Joining the class WhatsApp group will hopefully keep me informed and involved in their school life.

This back-to-school season is a juggle, but I'm embracing the challenges and looking forward to a smoother routine with the new school location. Remember, parents, we're all in this together. Share your experiences, tips, and support in the comments below :)


  1. Dah banyak shopping untuk anak masuk sekolah ni....Harga sekarang pun boleh tahan kan....

    1. Ya betul Kak. Buku sekolah sahaja dah dekat RM800. Belum yuran.

  2. Uncle dah lama tak berkecimpung beli barang2 sekolah ni... Lega! Sebab damage dia boleh tahan jugak...!

    1. Alhamdulillah. Lepas dah stage being parent with school kid ya.


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