Work In Progress

I accidentally changed my blog template without a backup. There's a lot I want to share here - information, office gossip, rants, discussions on current issues (and of course more recipes!) as I need to tidy up my everyday gallery and document everything here for "reference". Balancing a 9-6 corporate job while raising four boys is incredibly time-consuming; I barely have a social life nowadays, let alone time to write on my blog. Now, as I find myself on hospitalization leave (tak tahu nak gembira ke sedih), I feel it's the perfect time to revisit my first "baby." Regardless of the unexpected change in appearance, it's high time for a facelift anyway.

But much a question like "Nak makan apa hari ni?" I'm stuck on which template to choose. So, anticipate my blog's appearance to keep evolving as I search for the most suitable templates.

Feel free to suggest anything; I'm searching for SEO-friendly, mobile-friendly, and responsive templates—minimalist ones with 2 or 3 columns. Until then, Alhamdulillah.


  1. kita pernah jadi macam ni..nasibnya redha jelah..buat template biasa je

  2. saya upah si nurul buat template baru. Kalau buat sendiri tak tau jadi apa blog ni.

    1. Dah siap, buat sendiri. Tapi tulah, loading lambat.

  3. Theme Blogger yg baru² responsive ni ok je Mak Lin sebab layout dan ''internals" sudah sedia utk Adsense, image optimised, tak pening kalau nak malas nak godek² 🤭.

    Bg Artie, kami dah upgrade blogger blog kami jadi macam website dengan ecommerce style ada shopping cart. Kalau nak tengok boleh disini Galeri Artie .

    Link pembina-nya ada di bawah blog kami.


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