Hadiah contest from Plus Size Kitten!

Dekat entry before ni Lin ada state yang Lin tengah tunggu parcel from one of my favourite Beauty Blogger kan? Ya, right. I'm talking about the most famous beauty blogger ever:
Tammy, Plus Size Kitten blogger.
I win "Share Lina Teoh's Samsung Eco-Bubble Video" giveaway and Benefit Cosmetics b.right! Introductory Kit Giveaway! dekat blog Tammy, which mean Lin menang dua contest and dua hadiah. OK, sila jealous.
...a lot of ROC goodies including my new shopping bag! ngeh~
and Benefit Cosmetic b.right! kit.
So, dikesempatan ini Lin nak ucap berbanyak-banyak terima kasih to Tammy for this. XOXO.

P/S: Kotex call petang semalam and bagitahu that I win 1 years supply of Kotex pad. Hahaha. OK.


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