Saya Penat. Anda?

     It's been awhile since I last updated my blog! Sebenarnya ada banyak nak cerita, ada banyak benda nak buat tapi tak sempat (+______+)" Kadang-kadang penat jadi student ni, to be exact, intern yang macam kuli bekerja tanpa gaji. To be truth, I rather stay at home being under my duvet than being at work! Tapi apa-apa pun, tanggungjawab perlu dilaksanakan sebaik mungkin and lagipun tinggal 2 bulan je lagi then Lin dah boleh goyang kaki duduk rumah and do what I like what I want well at least for a while.
     Sementara nak tunggu 2 bulan tu, still, I have to think about how to finish my 50 hours left in health clinic, my final exam, my assignment, quiz, extra class etc. Last but not least, Lin harap everything will run smoothly, InsyaAllah. Kalau tak ada aral melintang, InsyaAllah within this week I will do some review post for you guys. 
      Well, last Saturday, we went to KL and maybe this week Lin akan ke Penang, ikut ayah. So I guess, I have to finish all my "Things to do list" before Friday la kan? Baru rancang nak buat BBQ this week (+_______+) Spend some quality time myself? nampaknya kena postpone la ek? 

P/S: I will do some review on beauty box next week! Excited mode activated!


  1. nanti bila dah abis blaja. rindu zaman blaja huhuh

    dlu saya cmni la. ehehe

  2. time belajar cepat2 nak habis. bila tak belajar t'ingin nak belajar balik. pelik. tapi tu la hakikatnya. hehehe... ^___^

  3. Memang busy awak ni..hehehehe good luck!!


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