Revisited: Hada Labo Super Hyaluronic Acid Moisturizing Lotion.

I've been using Hada Labo Super Hyaluronic Acid Moisturizing Lotion since January lepas. Since then, it does give me a good outcome/result and I love it. No more flaky skin, leave soft and supple skin behind macam yang state dalam iklan tu la.
     Now Lin bukan nak review bagai pasal produk ni, tapi nak persoalkan bila benda ni nak habis? HAHAHA. This is the used level after almost 10 months Lin guna, and yeah, surprisingly this is still my FIRST bottle. Yep-yep, Lin guna 5 drops in the morning, 5 drops at night on my face pat here and there...yada-yada and walaupun kadang-kadang terskip pakai bila nak cepat [pagi] or mengantuk sangat [malam], tapi Lin rasa most of the time I do use this. Now, I wonder how to finish this up. Sekarang dah bulan 10, pakai baru 40%. Lets do some simple math here. 40% = 10 bulan so 60% = 15 more months which mean akhir tahun depan baru nak habis la kot. Expired tahun 2014 (+_______+)" Botol lagi satu pun tak sentuh lagi. Nak bagi kat orang, tapi sayang. <--- kedekut. Nak jual, ada orang nak beli ke? 

Nak beli mask tablet kat Watson. 


  1. Replies
    1. Nanti dah pakai, buat review tau. Kongsi-kongsi.

  2. t'ingin nak pakai tapi mahal pula. ekekeke...

    1. Nak sample dia tak? Kita boleh bagi. Meh alamat (^________^)


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