Projek Tanam Sendiri Mak

The truth is mak malu nak cakap; instead of saying mak nak jadi petani when I grow up, mak cakap mak nak jadi doktor cikgu etc.(following trend). Masa sekolah menengah dulu mak ambil subjek Pengajian Agroteknologi, sebab mak betul minat (my parent won't really understand why). Tapi bila dah masuk university mak ambil Business then mak menyimpang Farmasi (long story to tell~)

OK. Enough with that. Sebenarnya Mak nak jadi petani tapi tak ada orang nak hire mak. *facepalm* So here I am, dreaming about my dream house; small cottage near river, my self-sustainable garden *kesat peluh* jauh lagi nak kejar tu. Belum ada budget nak beli tanah dan build my own river cottage.

Disebabkan mak generasi Y yang want everything NOW, and for the sake of being realistic; Mak dah start my "mini-version of sustainable garden" dulu. Tanah and rumah tu nanti, tunggu bapak-gula (read: sugardaddy) sponsor.

Mak nak share dekat korang garden mak. Jangan lah kecam. Mak tahulah garden korang lagi power-power. HAHA. Mak duduk rumah kecil sahaja, ain't no space for that sayang *cry* Actually last time mak ada post bout this, (years ago) but DAMN YOU IMAGESHACK delete all my precious pic. So here again:
Mak tengah tunggu stok moringa ni ;) Oh, mak suka follow blog TanamSendiri. Learn a lot from there and follow Facebook cause do they offer FREE SEED. Oh, yeah. I know, You are welcome ;)

Come on, share and show-off your precious garden with mak hatta kebun tauge sekalipun. Mak won't judge and let's celebrate, pat yourself and bangga dengan diri sendiri sebab got this kind of effort daripada tak ada. HUHU. Till then, Salam. #projektanamsendirimak


  1. projek yang menarik.Sertai segmen tonton ucing nak try irama melayu.(^_^).

  2. wah mak,semangat nak menanam sendiri ni...boleh la kita tanam-tanam jugak
    ~ Kisahsidairy~

  3. Aritu tanam tomato, tapi sebab jarang siram tanaman x menjadi ��

  4. makin cantiklah rumah mak, hehe

  5. Rose tanam bunga sekarang ni. sekarang tengah demam orkid. hikhik

  6. rajinnya mak.. tak pe mak..yang penting rajin

  7. assalamualaikum lin...moga berjaya lin teruskan usaha mu...
    ** Mama Maszull


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